Through Thick and Thin, Its Teamwork for the Win

Through Thick and Thin, Its Teamwork for the Win

The COVID-19 pandemic really has the world at its wit’s end. Suddenly, we are all trapped within our homes, wondering what is next. Work from home has become the new norm. For us at DAB of India, the one thing that is keeping us afloat even in these uncertain times is an incredible team. A team that is willing to adapt, a team that is ready for all challenges and above all, a team that gives us comfort in the fact that we are all in this together.

The Magic in Teamwork 

Teamwork emerges as the only way forward, especially in times like this. As a digital marketing firm, we miss the regular brainstorming sessions and one-on-one interactions at the office, no doubt. But, in these quarantine times, we have started appreciating teamwork more than ever. We have found that it has several benefits:

  • The team is a consistent source of inspiration when you work from home.
  • Distributing work makes you much more productive.
  • Many minds working together means more ideas.
  • We are more efficient in problem-solving.
  • Each one brings different skills to the table.
  • It is easier to meet short delivery deadlines when a team is working on a project.

Tough Times are Easier with A Tough Team

The COVID-19 pandemic was something that no-one was prepared for. Neither were we. But, having a good team has helped us make the most even of a situation like this one. To begin with, it gives you hope. You are with a group of people working towards a single goal. So, no matter how difficult it may seem to keep your business going, a good team helps you stay on that path towards your goal and focus.

Next, you are able to ideate better and find the best solutions to handle novel situations. With digital marketing, especially, the trends have changed quite a bit. From companies pulling out digital

Marketing budgets completely to others leveraging this situation to build a strong marketing strategy, we were faced with both ends of the spectrum. Either way, it was the team that helped us cope with the uncertainty and also change strategies to meet the new requirements.

Taking up individual responsibility and delivering on time is the mark of a good team. This has helped us keep all our projects going like clockwork.

The best thing about a good team is that we are able to find and create opportunities of our own. With a team, you can identify the things that you can do for the growth of your own company while finding new resources to keep the revenue coming in.

Keeping the Team Going Even though we are not working from the same space, we have found that working as a team is not as hard even in these quarantine times. Here are some simple tricks that have worked for us:

  • We tapped into technology. Using platforms like Zoom, Skype or Webex almost feels like we are having a meeting in our regular office room. Whether it is calls with clients or our internal meetings, technology has made it possible for us to keep things as smooth as ever.
  • Communication is key. When you are working from different places, making sure that tasks are assigned clearly and that everyone is updated about their progress really works wonders.
  • Deadlines still matter. Charting out tasks and allotting strict deadlines has worked for us to keep the team driven and motivated.

At DAB, we are a team of like-minded individuals. Keeping each other’s’ spirits up and making sure that we never lose track of our vision has helped us all along. And, we are certain that teamwork is the key for any firm that is trying to work their way through this situation.

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